Our new Digital Leaders.

On Wednesday we had our Safer Internet Day assembly. This year’s theme is ‘Inspiring Change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’.
For more information please visit https://saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/safer-internet-day-2024/parents-and-carers The children then took part in activities in their classrooms that helped them to explore these ideas further.
Year 1 thought about how different changes online would make them feel and then we learnt that when changes happen online we need to talk to a trusted adult.
Year 6 learnt that influencers can change people's thoughts, feelings and behaviour both positively and negatively. They thought about words and actions that can make the internet a more positive place and then designed their own influencer who uses their power for good.
We also introduced our new digital leaders. These children will be helping to raise awareness of the importance of online safety as well as supporting the teachers and pupils with all things computing! Their first task was to re-launch our online safety posters and they have visited all the classes to talk to them about the key points of online safety.
Look out for the digital leaders monthly ‘downloads’ in upcoming newsletters where they will be providing updates and advice.