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The Wonders of Winchester Science Centre.

On Tuesday Year 5 went on a school trip to Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium.

We started the day with the Planetarium where the guide taught us about star constellations, the milk way, planets, and the solar system. It was a great experience. After that, we had free time downstairs where we got to explore and have fun together. We enjoyed the disco room and the black hole activity. We then had some lunch. After lunch, we had free time upstairs we all showed our teamwork by building a wall together. Lots of us learnt some words in sign language. Lastly, we had a workshop with a Science expert that taught us about space ready for our new topic next term. They expert taught us that when light gets split up it turns into a rainbow, we experimented with infrared light conducting heat and a laser maze where you had to reflect the laser into the rocket. We finished the day watching Moana on the coach on the way back to school.

Some of our favourite parts:

Free time upstairs playing with some pipes that balls travelled through. The disco room where we all got to sit in and learn more about science. The planetarium where we got to guess what animal the star constellations were. Building a brick wall together using a crane and the arcade games that allowed us to fly rockets through the galaxy.

It was a great day and we really enjoyed ourselves. We didn’t want to leave!

By Freya, Igor, Tallulah and Will K.