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Year 6 Football

Year 6 girls and boys took part in a football tournament at Glebelands on Monday.

Report below by Isabelle Y6

On Monday the 2nd of October 2023 year 6 were invited to a football tournament at Glebelands school. There were four schools in total St Cuthbert Mayne, Cranleigh C of E, Park Mead and finally Wonersh & Shamley Green. First we played agents WSG where both the boys and girls lost but with all of the parents' supportive words we were ready to play against Park Mead. The boys lost whereas the girls drew 1-1 with the brilliant goal scored by Isabelle. Finally it was our last game where the boys won 8-1 against C of E which included a hat-trick for Artie and a superb headed goal from Haydn. The girls won 4-0 with goals from Poppy W, Anya and Isabelle x2. Overall the STCM boys came third the STCM girls came joint second. We would like to thank the parents who came to supported, Miss White and Mr Hall who took us to Glebelands.