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Harvest Festival

To all of our families, I would like to say a huge thank you for your generous donations towards our harvest festival.

The school hall was filled today with pasta, rice, noodles, tins, jars, crisps, biscuits and more! We are truly grateful for your support in donating such items. The children and staff are going to be busy over the next few days making up hampers to distribute to those in our local community.

This afternoon we gathered in the hall for a harvest festival assembly. We watched a short video where two young farmers explained the work involved from seed to shop. We gave thanks to all the work that goes into growing and preparing our food and the children filled the hall with their beautiful singing of Cabbages are Fluffy performed by EYFS & KS1 and Harvest Samba by KS2.

More photos to follow in next week’s newsletter once the hampers have been made up.

Dear God,

Thank you for all the delicious and nutritious food we have to eat.
Thank you for all the farmers who work so hard all year round to make sure we have food to eat.
Thank you for all the people who work in factories and shops who make sure there is food to buy.
Thank you for the grown ups who cook us our meals at home and at school.