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Pupils' mental health and wellbeing is a high priority for us. In order for children to achieve in their learning, they need to feel safe, have their needs met, have a sense of belonging.

Our PSHE curriculum starts every year with a focus on the Zones of Regulation, as this helps to give the children the language to express their emotions and tools to be able to manage those emotions independently.

What are the Four Zones of Regulation? - The Zones of Regulation

As we recognise the importance of children's wellbeing, we have a teacher, Mrs Woodhams, who leads on Wellbeing within the school and is currently completing mental health training.

We also run a nurture group intervention to support children who need additional support with their social, emotional and behavioural needs. 

Within our staff team, we have learning support assistants who have undergone specialist training to work as Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs). ELSAs work with children who are having difficulties with their emotions or social interactions for example; anxiety, low self-esteem, problems with anger etc.

Resources for Emotional Literacy Support Assistants - ELSA Support