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Physical Education


At St Cuthbert Mayne Primary School Physical Education and the importance of being healthy and active is a central part of the curriculum. Throughout the school, physical activity is promoted along with having a positive mental wellbeing. Good physical health, is seen as vital to the growth of the whole child: their intellectual, social, emotional, spiritual and physical development. It provides the foundation for a healthy lifestyle and promotes character building, co-operation and self-esteem. We want our children to take what they have learnt at St Cuthbert Mayne and apply it to their whole lives now and in the future.

Through our PE curriculum, we encourage the children to achieve their personal goals, to feel satisfaction and enjoyment as well as provide the physical challenges which enable them to value the importance of determination and effort. All children are encouraged to and enjoy taking an active part in lessons and these are given priority in curriculum time. As well as celebrating achievements in PE lessons, we celebrate sporting achievements out of school and promote walking to school and the local Junior Park Run.

PE Lessons

St Cuthbert Mayne provides all pupils with two hours of high quality Physical Education a week. Each class has two 60 minute lessons; delivered by specialist PE teachers or the class teacher. Planet Soccer, a coaching company based in Surrey, have had a long association with the school and deliver high quality lessons to develop skills in a safe, nurturing context. In each year, pupils access gymnastics, dance, games, athletics and outdoor adventurous activities. When restrictions allow, pupils in Years 2 and 3 use one lesson for weekly swimming lessons at Cranleigh Leisure Centre and Year 6 complete an intensive Top Up Swim scheme to ensure all pupils are PE at St Cuthbert Mayne able to swim the required 25m.

We teach the National Curriculum in Key Stages One and Two and the Early Years Curriculum in Reception. Through the context of multi-sports and outside games such as cricket and netball, children learn the fundamental skills related to each sport with a focus on speed, agility and co-ordination. The children learn how to throw and catch, participate in team games, practice attacking and defending. As they get older, they apply basic principles for attacking and defending in a wider variety of games. As part of working in pairs and teams, the children develop skills of communication, cooperation, collaboration and friendly competitiveness. The lessons are active, involving movement that raises the heart rate.

In gymnastics and dance our children are taught to master basic movement, develop flexibility, control, balance, agility, strength, technique and coordination. There is a focus on developing a theme, comparing their performances with previous ones and demonstrating improvement to achieve personal best.

In the summer months, children in Key Stage Two have the opportunity for weekly athletics training sessions held at Glebelands School where children are able to access specific training facilities such as a 200m track, long jump pit and throwing fields.

Activity as a way of life

At St Cuthbert Mayne we see a positive active lifestyle as one of the foundations for successful learning and good mental wellbeing. Each day, children have a 15 minute daily running session or take part in classroom movement breaks using stimuli such as Jump Start Jonny. They are encouraged to build up stamina and stretch themselves to reach new goals. As part of the Living Streets campaign, we encourage children not to use the car to travel to school but to walk or come by bicycle or scooter. Those that live further away are encouraged to park their car away from the school and walk in. All children take part in Bikeability in Key Stage Two.

Our playgrounds contain sporting and trim trail apparatus that allow the children to explore and use their bodies in different ways through free play. Children use balls, ropes and hoops to extend their own play and continue building on their physical skills.

Each summer we hold a sports day where we enjoy taking part in physical challenges and sporting events and achievements can be celebrated by the whole community including parents. There is an element of competitiveness as each house strives to have their ribbons the sports day trophy!

Many school trips, such as visiting Sayers Croft, develop the theme of adventurous activities. Y6 spend a week at CYE where they take part in a number of adventurous activities such as sailing, raft building, mud trails, rock climbing.

Year Six children act as sports ambassadors and we are currently developing the role of older children to organise and encourage games through playtime groups and activities.

Competitive Sporting Opportunities

St Cuthbert Mayne take a full part in out of school tournaments. Through Active Surrey, children have opportunities to take part in competitive activities such as football, x-country, dodge ball, Netball, Tag Rugby, Swimming and Gymnastics.

We were delighted as a school to win the local district sports when it was last held in 2019 where Key Stage Two children performed to the best of their ability in a range of track and field events.

We also create a swimming team to compete in the District School's Annual Swimming Gala in November.

Physical Education Curriculum Map - find out more about your child's learning in P.E. throughout their time at St. Cuthbert Mayne.