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Prayer Life

n Our children and staff have the opportunity to pray each day in school.  Staff meetings always begin with a time for prayer.

We know that through prayer, children deepen their relationship with God as a loving, compassionate Father.  There are multiple opportunities for children to experience different ways of praying throughout their school day. Children pray formally, informally, through liturgies and assemblies. We have a rich liturgical life; liturgies take place in classrooms, in the school hall, in our school grounds and in our adjoining Church Jesus Christ Redeemer of Mankind. The children help to prepare and participate in masses and liturgies.

Our Daily School Prayers

Prayer at the start of the school day

Oh my God you love me
You are with us night and day

I want to love you always

In all I do and say

I’ll try to please you Father

Bless me through the day


Prayer before lunch

Bless us O Lord as we sit together
Bless the food we eat today

Bless the hands that make the food
Bless us O Lord


Prayer at the end of the school day

God our Father
We come to say

Thank you for your love to today
Thank you for my family

And all the friends you give to me
Guard me in the dark of night
And in the morning send your light


Prayer Expectations

Our RE programme 'RED’, lists traditional prayers that are introduced to children at different ages. We expect that children will be able to say some of these prayers from memory by the time they leave Year 6.

Our RE programme, 'To Know You More Clearly (RED)', also outlines the prayers that children should know by the time they leave Year 6.

In addition to traditional prayers we encourage children to write their own prayers and offer spontaneous prayers.

Year 3 Children First Reconciliation and First Communion

Please remember in your prayers all our Year 3 children as they start to prepare for their First Reconciliation and First Communion. May we show them by our example how precious and fulfilling these sacraments are in our lives.

Memories of Finlay

On February 7th 2014 our school community joined the family and friends of the Marriott family at a service of thanksgiving for Finlay's life. Chris, Judith and James have kindly given us permission to place their inspiring 'Memories of Finlay' on our website prayer corner. May it be a source of comfort and strength to us all.

Finlay never gave up his fight. When you need strength, use his strength.
When you need his spirit, use his spirit. Finlay will be there for you.
(Chris Marriott)

One of the great blessings of our school and parish community is the comfort and support that we offer each other so freely, especially during times of sadness. As part of that support we have placed here a link to the Child Bereavment UK Website, to help and guide all our families.

Peace be with you