Dear Parents and Carers,
It was lovely to see you all in school this week for parents’ evening. This is such an important time to meet face to face and have time to talk about your child’s learning, progress and next steps. We hope you found it useful.
A big thank you to The Friends who have raised £90 through the pre-loved uniform sale and an amazing £210 with the “Win cupcakes for your class” raffle. Thank you to Mrs Clay for baking the cupcakes that were very on point for Valentine's Day!

Year 6 kicked off the week with a great start with football and netball matches against Wonersh and Shamley Green. The children were delighted to win both matches – the photo below really captured the children’s joy. Thank you to Ms. Robson for organising this for the children. Read on for the full match reports.

We hope that you enjoyed visiting the Book Fair this week. We are very grateful for the support you have shown in purchasing books. The school receives commission from your purchases to buy books, so we look forward to seeing what books we can buy for our library.
I received a very special invitation from Year 5 today, to attend their Dance Performance! St. Catherine’s class have worked collaboratively as a class this half-term to choreograph their dance (with some help from Mr. Good) to “Prince Ali” from Aladdin. It was an amazing performance, everyone was in time with each other and the music, they had complicated position changes, aspects of group and whole class dance, cartwheels and the most intimidating interaction with the audience! A truly stage worthy performance that is up there in my favourite experiences of St. Cuthbert Mayne so far! Year 5, you were outstanding and I am immensely proud of you. What a fabulous end to the half term.

Happy half-term everyone! We hope that you have a happy and restful break – we look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 24th February!
God bless,
Mrs. Amy O’Donovan
Head of School
Collective Worship
Last Sunday’s Gospel was from Luke when Jesus asked Simon and the other fishermen to lower their nets again after an unproductive night of fishing. Simon listened to Jesus and did what he asked – he was rewarded with great joy for listening! The nets were so full that they nearly caused two boats to sink. The children thought about the joy they have in their lives and have had a mission to spend time each day being grateful for the moments of joy they have experienced! Some of the children chose to share this on our Gospel prayer table. Their joy included things such as: spending time with their families, younger siblings, going to the park, playing with their pets, having time with their parents after school and Maths lessons!

Sports Match Reports
Yr 6 Football
On Monday, we played Wonersh and Shamley Green at their school. First of all, we kicked off and it was very muddy! After a few minutes, WSG scored. Then, after that, we scored to make it level (the goal was scored by Ethan). Ten minutes later we scored another goal, again scored by Ethan. Then it was half-time. After that, WSG scored with a volley and then we did some great defending, with special thanks to Kit for his great saves that kept us in the game. Then, after that, we scored another goal. We did some more great defending, but they managed to score, bringing the score to 3-3. Next, the midfielders did some great fielding and played another through ball to Ethan, who went on to score. The last goal was very similar, bringing the final score to 5-3 to St Cuthbert Mayne!
Yr 6 Netball
We started off the game and quickly scored the first goal (scored by Poppy). The other team’s defence was really good, but we managed to get past them. Then there was a lot of movement in the middle of the court and up and down the court. Wonersh and Shamley Green scored their first goal of the game and soon after, we scored our second. In the second quarter, WSG scored another goal, taking the score to 2-2 and then Julietta scored another goal and their shooter scored another too. At the end of the 2nd quarter, the score was 3-3 – leaving us at a tie for the final quarters. In the 3rd quarter, WSG scored 1 more goal, making the score 4-3 to WSG. We scored another goal – making the score even again. In the last quarter, they scored one goal and our centre wing attack and goal attack worked the ball up to the goal third and we scored 4 goals in the final quarter! The final score was 9-5 to St Cuthbert Mayne.
Safer Internet Day

Our School Council, with support from Mrs Chalstrey, led a really informative assembly this week for the whole school on the theme of “Too good to be true”. They explored what scams are and what they might look like, as well as how to respond to them. The school council held a competition to design an E-Safety mascot for the school. You can see the runners-up and winners below. A special shout out was given to Bohdan in Yr6 for the amazing lion statue that he made. The children have asked to keep this on our prayer table to remind us we can take our online safety worries to God.
The children wrote and shared this prayer with the school:
Dear Lord
This E safety day, help us to stay safe online
Help us realise when things are too good to be true and please help us realise that there are others around who we can trust to help.
Please help us to realise what is right and wrong when we are pressured by others.

Our winning mascot:


We would love to have some parents/grandparents help with reading in school. To volunteer, you will need to be committed to coming into school regularly, undertake a DBS and safeguarding training. Please contact the office if you can offer support with this.
Snacks and packed lunches
Just a reminder that any snacks that the children bring into school at break time should be a fresh or dried piece of fruit or vegetable. We have spoken to the children in key stage two about this and would ask for your support.
In regard to packed lunches, some of the children are having a lot of sweet foods in their packed lunch. Whilst this gives an initial hit of energy, it does not keep the children full over the afternoon when they still need to be focused for learning.
These websites have some useful ideas and suggestions regarding balanced lunch boxes that you may find helpful:

During the holidays, PCSO Aaron Baker emailed me as he had been in contact with Surrey County Council regarding the parking issues around our school. Please can we all work hard and work together to ensure the roads around our school are as safe as possible for the children as they arrive at and leave school. It is more important than ever to focus on this at the moment with the road works at the end of St Nicolas Avenue.
Points to remember please:
I know that a parent talked to the PCSO about having a walking bus. If anyone would like to volunteer to organise that - please get in contact with Mrs O’Donovan via the School Office. She would love to hear from you!