Our week has been bookended by our first two school liturgies in the church. On Monday we had Mass for all of Key stages 1 & 2. Our year 6 children were heavily involved with the readings, bidding prayers and offertory procession. It was lovely to be joined by parents and parishioners. Particular thanks to Mrs Kibble for accompanying on the piano and to our flautist, parishioner (and former pupil) Lucy Bergin. Meanwhile today our Reception children and their parents had their opening liturgy of the term with Father Alistair and their new Year 6 Buddies.
This week our new year 6 leaders got to work. I met with the House Captains and Sports Captains to discuss the possibility of some House Sports competitions over the course of the year and other competition and event ideas which might enable children to work together in their Houses with the support of their House Captains. They have gone away to mull things over before bringing their suggestions to the student council. Watch this space...
Thank you to parents for attending the recent parents information evenings. Information for those parents who weren’t able to attend is available on the website - please select your child's year group to access the slides.
God bless,
Thomas Hall, Head of School
Collective Worship
Peter is a little astonished to learn that the Jesus wants him to forgive others not just seven times, but 7 x 77 times! Not only was this an opportunity for a spot of mental arithmetic, but it also gave the children an opportunity to consider what Jesus really meant – in fact we will need to forgive many more than 490 times. As parents we are all too familiar with the need for patience and to be ready to forgive; this is something we must continue to instil in our children.
Merciful God, we are truly sorry for the things that we have done wrong. Forgive us and help us to try to forgive others as your son Jesus teaches us. Amen.
We continue to be very grateful to all our parents that park and stride/cycle/walk to school, and to those that park safely and respectfully around the neighbouring roads.
We are aware that some people continue to park on the yellow zig-zag lines outside the school and the church car park. Rule 243 of the Highway Code states that road users must not park near a school entrance; for the safety of all the children at St Cuthbert Mayne, we would ask that all members of our community adhere to this rule and do not park on the yellow zig-zag lines.
We must also ensure that we are polite and respectful to local residents at all times.
Please show your children, by your actions, that positive and respectful parking is a way to show that you care about other pedestrians, neighbours and road users. Be a good role model!
Classlist is the most effective way of staying touch with other parents. Please click this link in order to sign up.
Please contact our school office to book a place on one of our tours.
This year children have been introduced to three important principles that we follow at St Cuthbert Mayne. Why not start to use the same language at home - we want all our children to be...
For the first half of this term children should wear summer uniform.
earrings should be studs only and must not be worn for PE
hair must be tied back
no braids should be worn
school colours for headbands / bobbles etc.
We accumulate quite a large number of discarded jumpers and cardigans - the named ones are returned to their rightful owners. The unnamed ones are pictured below! Please endeavour to put nametapes/stickers on your children's clothes (particularly jumpers and cardigans). Please avoid just using initials, as they may not be unique to your child.
School Achievement Certificates
St David's Class
Year R St. David's Class are attending their welcome liturgy for new starters this afternoon. Their celebration certificates will roll over to next week.
Year 1
St Andrew's Class
Noah for showing great perseverance in mathematics and trying his best.
Florence H for always being ready to learn, respectful and safe at school.
Year 2
St Patrick's Class
Beatrix for trying her best in all her learning as well as helping others in the classroom.
Finn for being ready to learn and listening carefully to instructions.
Year 3
St George's Class
Finley for achievement and effort in reading.
Millie for being respectful and helpful to all class members.
Year 4
St Bernadette's Class
Ruby – for putting so much effort into her writing and spelling over the last few weeks. Keep it up!
Samuel- for trying his best in all of his learning this week and participating in class discussion.
Year 5
St Catherine's Class
Poppy for an excellent attitude to learning and for trying really hard with her writing.
William P for always participating and striving to do his best in his learning.
Year 6
St. Teresa's
Daisy for great perseverance in your maths learning this week - well done!
Isabelle for always being ready to learn and making great contributions to class discussions.
Our wonderful caterers will be cooking a fabulous Fun Fair menu on 5th October. This menu is in place of the normal choices for that date. Please book either the Red option for the Hot Dog, or the Green option for the meat-free Hot Dog. All allergies will be catered for.
FRIENDS of St Cuthbert Mayne
Our calendar for the term can be found here. We are beginning to populate this - a slow process initially as we learn to navigate our new website!