Dear Parents and Carers,
We started off the week with Mass to mark the beginning of the spring term. It was lovely to have Mr. Ellson with us, playing the organ – it makes such a difference to have live music as part of our liturgy. Year 5 and Year 6 children read beautifully, and the children were in good singing voice! Father Alistair was particularly impressed with how beautifully Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 sat during Mass.
On Wednesday afternoon, we had two school teams take part in a Dodgeball tournament hosted by Glebelands. Both teams saw great success – one team came first in their tournament and the other team came 2nd in their tournament. Well done to all the children that took part in this event.
God bless,
Mrs. Amy O’Donovan
Head of School
Collective Worship
Sunday 12th January was the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Through his baptism, Jesus showed us the way to enter the family of God and led by example. Although he did not feel worthy, John the Baptist baptised his cousin. God revealed to the people that were there that Jesus was his son. We can reflect on two different lessons from this Gospel - how Jesus provides us with a role model, but do we always follow his example? Secondly, recognising times, like John the Baptist that we might not feel worthy but sometimes completing one task is important and makes a difference.
Wake Up Wednesday
Amongst children – and especially teenagers – TikTok boasts approximately 220 million users, providing a near-endless reel of short clips intended to entertain, educate and more. However, along with its enormous userbase comes a significant number of possible risks: Ofcom have dubbed it the most likely app on which teen users would potentially suffer harm.
With the platform reaching astronomical levels of success amongst the younger generation, it’s vitally important for us to understand the risks it poses. This free guide lets you know about the most prominent potential dangers associated with TikTok and offers expert advice on how to safeguard youngsters who are navigating the site.
We would love to have some parents/grandparents help with reading in school. To volunteer, you will need to be committed to coming into school regularly, undertake a DBS and safeguarding training. Please contact the office if you can offer support with this.
During the holidays, PCSO Aaron Baker emailed me as he had been in contact with Surrey County Council regarding the parking issues around our school. Please can we all work hard and work together to ensure the roads around our school are as safe as possible for the children as they arrive at and leave school. It is more important than ever to focus on this at the moment with the road works at the end of St Nicolas Avenue.
Points to remember please:
I know that a parent talked to the PCSO about having a walking bus. If anyone would like to volunteer to organise that - please get in contact with Mrs O’Donovan via the School Office. She would love to hear from you!
Spring term dates for your diary
Monday 20th January – Year 6 attending Parish Mass at 10am – parents welcome to attend
Tuesday 21st January - Year 6 Class Collective Worship in the school hall at 2.30pm. Parents are invited to join.
Wednesday 22nd January – Year 5 trip to Butser Farm
Sunday 26th January - Mrs. O’Donovan’s Induction Mass with the Bishop at 11am in the Church. All families are invited and it would be lovely if the children could wear their school uniform.
Monday 27th January – Year 5 attending Parish Mass at 10am – parents welcome to attend
Tuesday 28th January – Year 6 trip to Henley Fort
7th February – INSET day school closed for children
Job Vacancy at Glebelands
Glebelands are looking to appoint a Finance and Premises Assistant. For more information about the role and how to apply, please see: