Dear Parents and Carers,
It was lovely to welcome everyone back to school on Monday, just a shame that we had such a wet start to the week!
Thank you to everyone who supported the Book Fair before half term, £665.82 worth of sales were made and will generate some money for us to use on books for the library.
On the theme of books, we will be celebrating World Book Day next week on Thursday 6th March. Miss Wilkin would love the children to dress up as a book character or to wear their pyjamas to school as if they are ready for a bedtime story, along with their favourite book to share with a friend. Apologies for the short notice regarding this – I understand how hard it is to get things like costumes together when you are busy families!

St Cuthbert Mayne is now on Instagram – do follow us! We will be using this to share information and photos of things happening in school but have made the decision not to put photos of the children on it.
I was invited into Year 2 this morning and was met with some very persuasive children! They have been learning about persuasive writing this week and wanted to practise their persuasive language on me! The children did an amazing job in persuading me to let them have 5 minutes extra play – they had great reasons for why they deserved extra play and managed to persuade me!
God bless,
Mrs. Amy O’Donovan
Head of School
Collective Worship
The Gospel this week had a really challenging message – to love our enemies! We thought about what this might mean and how we could respond to Jesus’ request. The children thought about how they might do this by reaching out to people they wouldn’t normally play with or those they find difficult to get along with.

Family Prayer Bags – a message from Mrs. Armstrong
We are excited to share with you that each class has been given a Prayer Bag, a special resource designed to encourage spiritual reflection and family connection. The bags have been kindly funded by The Friends. Each week, the Prayer Bag will be sent home with a different child, and you are invited to explore its contents together. Inside the bag, you will find guides on how to use it, along with items meant to inspire prayer, reflection, and conversation.
Additionally, there is a notebook included in the bag where children can write prayers, make drawings, or add photos to capture moments of spiritual reflection if they wish. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to share their faith and creativity with you.
Please note that this is not a compulsory activity but rather an invitation for families who wish to engage in it. We hope it will foster meaningful connections and moments of reflection within your family.
We look forward to seeing how this project unfolds in each home. They will be sent home for the first time next week.
Online Safety
The guide below breaks down the risks associated with the popular multiplayer title Marvel Rivals and lets you know how best to safeguard children and young people playing the game.
Marvel Rivals is a highly popular multiplayer shooter game that pits iconic superheroes against formidable villains. The game is free –to play on PC and current-generation consoles but does feature microtransactions that allow players to spend real money on cosmetic items for their characters.
While Marvel Rivals has been deemed suitable for children aged 12 and over, there are several risks associated with the title that parents and educators should be aware of. This free guide offers more information on these safety concerns and lets you know how to ensure that children playing the game can have a fun and age-appropriate experience.


We would love to have some parents/grandparents help with reading in school. To volunteer, you will need to be committed to coming into school regularly, undertake a DBS and safeguarding training. Please contact the office if you can offer support with this.
Snacks and packed lunches
Just a reminder that any snacks that the children bring into school at break time should be a fresh or dried piece of fruit or vegetable. We have spoken to the children in key stage two about this and would ask for your support.
With regard to packed lunches, some of the children are having a lot of sweet foods in their packed lunch. Whilst this gives an initial hit of energy, it does not keep the children full over the afternoon when they still need to be focused for learning.
These websites have some useful ideas and suggestions regarding balanced lunch boxes that you may find helpful:
School dinners
We are continuing to work with Twelve 15 in regard to the quality of the food service at St. Cuthbert Mayne. In a meeting I had with them this week, they asked that if you, as parents, have feedback regarding school meals, they would really like to hear from you, including any complaints or concerns. You can contact them via this link:
I understand that there was a very near miss on the road directly outside of school this week where an adult pedestrian was bumped by a car. Please can we see this as a bit of a wakeup call and ensure we are all playing our part in being responsible and considerate members of the community. We all need to work together for the safety of each other – especially the children!

Points to remember please:
I know that a parent talked to the PCSO about having a walking bus. If anyone would like to volunteer to organise that - please get in contact with Mrs O’Donovan via the School Office. She would love to hear from you!