Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had such a busy week in school!
St. David’ Class led a beautiful collective worship for the whole school and their families on Tuesday. They taught us all about St. David and gave us three messages from his life – to see the joy in life, to keep our faith and to do small things that will make a difference. The children spoke so clearly and confidently, they acted, shared prayers and sang. They really did spread joy in the hall! One KS2 pupil commented that it had moved him to tears four times!

The children who have school meals enjoyed pancakes for our pudding on Tuesday – I heard lots of comments about how it was the best day ever!
On Wednesday, KS2 joined the Parish for Mass for Ash Wednesday – thank you to the children who served, proclaimed the Word of God and took up the offertory. In the afternoon, Fr Alistair joined KS1 for a liturgy and distributed ashes. The children were delighted to see Fr Alistair in school.

In the afternoon Year 5 shared their Viking work with their parents – they have made some amazing Viking ships and some fantastic shadow puppet theatres. All visitors were given a Viking Treasure Hunt to complete and pictures of Viking characters to take away with them. Thank you, Year 5, for sharing your learning with us so enthusiastically and to Mrs. Patrick for organising this for us.
World Book Day took place on Thursday! It was fabulous to see all of the children taking part and there were some great costumes in school. Thank you to The Friends for funding the Author Workshops that each class had as part of the celebrations – the joy of reading and exploring books was really captured in the sessions. I couldn’t resist sharing this photo of Cruella De Vil and her mini me! The younger children were very concerned about what had happened to my hair.

This afternoon, we had an amazing Science Fair in the hall! It was great to see the children's enthusiasm for Science and we look forward to seeing how the winners get on at the Xavier Science Fair later this half term.

Thank you to those of you who have followed the school on Instagram. Do follow us if you use this social media platform!
God bless,
Mrs. Amy O’Donovan
Head of School
Collective Worship
Last Sunday’s Gospel gave us the opportunity for some self-reflection before the start of Lent. The Lenten period is a great time for some personal “spring cleaning” to help us grow closer to God. In collective worship, we considered whether we are quicker to notice the faults of others before working on our own faults? The children were really reflective and thought about how sometimes they might be quick to tell an adult about something another child has done and omit their part in the situation.

Online Safety
The way we engage with text has changed dramatically over the years. Whether reading captions on social media, instructions in a video game or an e-book on a digital device, technology plays a major role in modern literacy.
To help struggling readers, many digital platforms offer tools that enhance readability by making text more accessible and engaging. There’s also a broad range of accessibility features available, such as screen customisation and text-to-voice technology, which may help children and young people improve their literary confidence. This free guide offers ten top tips on how you can help young readers engage in text and foster a love for reading.

Swimming Gala
Sadly, we have had the following message from the chairman of the Cranleigh Swimming Club:
It is with great regret that I have to announce I will have to cancel the Schools Gala due to take place in March. This is due to the Pool at Cranleigh Leisure Centre being shut due to maintenance issues with the roof. I have tried everything to find out when and if the pool will be open in the near future and have been unable to get an answer from either the centre or Waverley Borough Council. My intention is to try and run this event again in the near future as and when the pool is again open for swimmers.

We would love to have some parents/grandparents help with reading in school. To volunteer, you will need to be committed to coming into school regularly, undertake a DBS and safeguarding training. Please contact the office if you can offer support with this.

Points to remember please:
I know that a parent talked to the PCSO about having a walking bus. If anyone would like to volunteer to organise that - please get in contact with Mrs O’Donovan via the School Office. She would love to hear from you!

Free pond dipping family sessions at Sayers Croft

Sayers Croft are offering free family pond dipping sessions on Saturday 15th March between 1pm and 2.45pm. Please click this link to sign up if you are interested.